Monday, February 24, 2014

How do you measure Succe$$?!!?

I recently had someone tell me that they felt like a complete failure in life because of the amount of money they had in their bank account.  First of all this completely broke my heart!!  Second this got me thinking, how do we measure success?  Is it really about the amount of money that we have?  How big our house is?  What kind of car we drive?  How many material possessions we have?  What designers we wear?
I think in a lot of ways this has become the normal measure of success in our society today.  Luxury car ads sure make it seem that way!  Actually MOST advertising paints that picture!  But then I have to take a step back and think about how do I measure success? 
My suggestion is this, what if we measure our success by the number of good things that we do?  Making someone smile should get you some credit.  Inspiring someone to reach for their dreams.  Motivating someone to take action.  Caring for a sick person, feeding the homeless.  Making someone laugh.  Isn’t this a better measure of us as human beings?  Lately I have been posting about my journey of health and fitness on my Facebook page.  So far I have gotten a very positive response from friends and family.  Some are even saying that they are inspired or motivated by some of my posts.  That is success to me!  My day job doesn’t exactly give me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside, if you know what I mean?  I work with some great people and it definitely pays my bills, but it doesn’t completely fulfil me. 
I have been longing for that feeling.  When I lie in bed at night and reflect on my day I want to be able to say, “Yes, I did something GOOD today.”  I guess I want to know that in some way I am making a difference.  I should mention that of course my family makes me feel this way all of the time and watching my son grow and develop into an awesome little person has been the most amazing experience of my life!  I don’t want to downplay that, but I am looking to expand beyond the walls of my house.  I want to HELP people!  So that is why I am sharing my journey with all of you!  Here’s to hoping for a few successes along the way!!

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